Another very long day in my life….
Went up early in the morning and drove to St. Johann. On my way the police forced me to have a break…..because of the “Österreich-Radrundfahrt” (a bicycle race).
After my arrival it was as usual here….super nice weather….a beautiful view and a super nice hotel with very friendly/polite people.
Finally I had the opportunity to show (and give) some of my pool photos to the players and visitors. The reactions were very positive and a lot of people think the same way like I do…..that’s the way to go.
If you are in St. Johann….don’t hesitate to contact Sunny or me if you are interested in high end Pool Billiard Pictures …..also if you just wanna see how they look like. Just give it a chance and I am sure it will make you smile.
It was happy to see all of you guys again 😉
Normally I don’t have that much time to watch matches, but this time I spent like 25 to 30 minutes and saw one from the beginning until the end. Chris Melling rushed like a hurricane over Kemilev Nikola (9:0). Chris was running around the table like he had too much coffee 😉 He played super well and I think he was really running sometimes…..more and more people were watching that match. Chris only slowed down a bit (still fast) for kickshots. Congrats for a great performance!!!!
Enjoy the photos (Click on the picture to see the gallery):
(If you want to use the pictures please contact me and please don’t crop my watermark out)