With starting my street portraits project www.street-portraits.eu I get to know new people every day. Sometimes there are stories behind that I want to share. So I was walking down the Donaukanal close to Schwedenplatz to get one last portrait for that day. As always I was focused on the people around me while walking down the street. At one point I figured everybody was looking to the left. So I did the same and what I saw impressed me a lot. “Somebody” was doing an huge amazing painting with spray cans, after watching him for a while I knew I gotta do a portrait of that guy. And I’m happy Youri asked me to also capture him during the process of creating his art.
This is called part one because I shot some pictures with my analog camera, this takes some time to develop and I’m leaving Austria soon to visit a friend in Sweden. I didn’t want to wait that long, so here are the first pictures of Youri’s great work, be sure to visit his website too. www.mantrarea.com Hope to see you soon again in Vienna
Need for portraits, event photos or virtual tours? visit www.markus-hofstaetter.at