Yesterday I got a Google Hangout message with the information, that Elias got hist photos
I met Elias at “the Ave” in Seattle and sat with him two days on the street, Click the Link to read the full story:
Here the selfie with Elias and met that got explored on Flickr
I sent the photos to Alan, a Friend and photographer from Seattle and he was so kind to handover the photos to Elias.
I was so happy to read, when Alan wrote me that Elias loved the pictures and looked thru the them again and again.
You have to know that Elias loves analog black and white pictures, he has always one of Sitting Bull with him.
And now he has his own black and white images, shot on an old medium format camera. I can imagine this is very special to him and thats the reason my heart was melting when I saw the handover.
Alan, thanks a lot for going to Elias again!!
Here again my original Portrait, a wonderful shot Alan Lin did with his analog Leica of Elias going thru the pictures and a selfie.
See more street portraits here: