Markus Hofstaetter's blog » 2018 » September

Archive for September, 2018

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

Into the light – portrait shooting with the horse Annika

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Wieder ein Porträt – diesmal von der hübschen Annika. Zum Unterschied zu anderen Fotosessions musste ich bei diesem Shooting nicht so viel reden – es haben ein paar Karotten gereicht um mich mit ihr anzufreunden. Spaß beiseite, dieses Shooting wurde lichttechnisch sehr ähnlich wie meine typischen Porträtshootings aufgebaut. Wenn ihr mehr dazu erfahren wollt, müsst ihr euch noch gedulden, denn es gibt über das ganze Shooting wieder einen Artikel. Mehr dazu, wenn dieser veröffentlicht wird, wie immer hier auf meinem Blog. Danke nochmal an Julia für diesen tollen Auftrag und die Unterstützung beim Pferdeshooting!








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English Version
Another portrait, this time I needed carrots to become friends with Annika 🙂 .
This shooting had a very similar light setup as my usual portrait shoots. I will write about that in an article and will let you guys know as soon as it is published here on the blog. Thanks to Julia for this great assignment and the helping hands during the horse-shoot!









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Posted by Markus | Filed in animals, headshots, preparation, published | Comment now »


Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

Nassplattenworkshop in Wien Teil II

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Bald startet der zweite Workshop in Wien – 4 Plätze davon sind schon vergeben
In meinem Workshop erfahrt ihr alles über die Nassplattenfotografie und lichtet selber Portraits mit dem professionellen Equipment von der Firma Hensel ab.
Ich freue mich, dass diesmal der Workshop in der Kunstfabrik stattfindet und somit für viele von euch einfacher zu erreichen ist.
Wie immer werden wir gemeinsam viel Spaß beim Erlernen der Kollodium Nassplattentechnik haben. Ich nehme meine über 100 Jahre alte Reisekamera samt 150 Jahre altem Petzvall Objektiv mit.
Damit können wir den einzigartigen Look von historischen Porträts sehr schön nachstellen.
Hier der direkte Link zur Anmeldung:
Video und Bilder von meinen vorigen Workshops in der Kunstfabrik:


Mehr meiner Fotos findet ihr hier unter
Tragt euch auch in meinen Newsletter: ein!

English Version

Soon my second workshop starts in Vienna – it’s close to be sold out.
We will have a lot of fun in the Kunstfabrik. This is an awesome place with tons of workshops.
I will take my over 100 years old camera and a 150 years old lens with me. We need a lot of power to get enough light on the plates. Thats the reason, we will use the 6000 W generator and strobe head from Hensel.
At the end of the day we will produce the beautiful look of this historical portraits. Doing this is always a great experience.
You can register here (workshop will be in German language – Just write me an Email for English ones)
Videos and pictures from the last workshop in Vienna:



More of my pictures you can find here
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Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

Goodbye Ted

This is a non photography post is and English only:
People who read this blog since the beginning know that my favorite pool hall is in Chicago.
People how don’t read my blog since the beginning know maybe this sign from the Internet:

Maries Golden Cue
If you follow this sign, you will find a beautiful oldschool pool hall with Brunswick original Goldcrowns.
It’s like you went back in time because everything looks new and in perfect condition. But a beautiful pool hall by itself is not a place I would visit. For me, it always depends on the owner if I feel comfortable in such a place. And with Ted it doesn’t get easier like that. He was such a great guy. So easy to talk with and had always a nice story to tell.

I remember when he told me once about a movie team that came to his pool hall and asked if they are allowed to shoot a movie the next day. Happily, he agreed. He and his wife started to clean up the whole pool hall overnight (I think it was not his idea 😉 ).
The next day the movie team arrived as they said. They had a short look into the pool hall, told Ted it is to clean and decided to do the movie in Chris’s Billiards – that from now on is known as the place of The Color of Money with Paul Newman, Tom Cruise and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.
Ted was still smiling the whole time during talking about that day.


Ted Minassian passed away after fighting cancer on the 23 of August 2018. We will miss him, but I’m sure he has a good time at another place now and maybe he still breaks them as hard as he did in Marie’s Golden Cue.


This is how his Poolhall looked like
Marie’s Golden Cue Pool Hall Gallery

This is an inside of his shop:
Ted’s Shop

Posted by Markus | Filed in preparation | Comment now »


Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

Canon Speedlite 480ex-ai Praxistest

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Neben vielen anderen spannenden Artikeln, habe ich für euch den neuen Canon Speedlite 480EX-AI Blitz in der neuen c’t digitalen Fotografie getestet
hier könnt ihr euch euer Exemplar bestellen:

Mehr von meiner Arbeit auf meine Webseite:
Für Neuigkeiten, tragt euch in meinen Newsletter einNewsletter:

English Version
You can find a field test I did of the new Canon Speedlite 480EX-AI in the c’t digitalen Fotografie and much more interesting stuff
Here you can order your own copy:



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Posted by Markus | Filed in ct, magazine, portraits | Comment now »