I know Jennifer now for many years. She was the legal guardian of her brothers since a very young age. As long as I know her, she always was a a very happy and positive person. 12 years later, they are all successful in their jobs and grew to wonderful human beings. That’s why she is so inspiring to me. When I remember myself in her age, I was just a jung man who wanted to have fun and not much responsibilities. But she even enjoyed it to be there for her younger brothers from the beginning.
I wanted to capture her happiness in one portrait. With the wet collodion process, that is not an easy task, so I had to be a bit sneaky during the shoot. I pre focused and put the plate holder into the camera. Turned the strobe power up to prepare myself for a short exposure and had a normal conversation with her to “prepare” her for the portrait, but I didn’t tell her that I will do a quick exposure by hand as soon as she smiled. So we had our conversation and as always Jennifer was in a great mood and so I rushed the lens cap off and fired the strobe without telling her whats going on. And with that I go the expression everybody sees so often on her.
This is just the beginning of the project. You can find already much more amazing people on inspired.mhaustria.com
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