In the first part of the expedition video I gave you the relaxing vibe I experienced there. In the second part want to give you some different views. I may have only shot one wet plate portrait for my inspired series of Lara Ješe. But I also shot two rolls of Kodak Vision 500 35mm film with my Canon EOS 50E camera. This film is hand cut in Vienna at lab of Mr. Wolczak. The lab also mixes the chemicals by them self to match the Kodak recipe. The results are the original Kodak Vision look. I love how this film renders colors. At the end of the workshop I set up a tiny photo studio with a strobe. I shot there portraits in digital and also with my Mamiya 645 afd II with two rolls of Ilford Pan F Plus 50. I pushed the film with one stop. And now comes the funny part. As you can imagine, I used the same setting on both rolls. And both rolls were develop together with the same chemicals. But somehow one roll has a totally different look (what I love). More about in the video. Thanks again for everybody for being such a great community and see you next you again at Borut’s event