Isn’t it nice when you get a present from a visitor. When Denis of visited my studio for the inspired series , he brought a tiny present. A very small lens. This lens was made by Carl Reichert at about 1908 in Vienna ( more info here ). It’s a 30mm F4 lens with an image circle of 2x2cm. Initially it was made for microscopes, but I abused it for a portrait. You can find more details about that lens here: . Most people would have put this wonderful lens in some kind of display cabinet and enjoyed it. The result of this project is available here:
I thought it would be cool to use it. And there all the problems started. More about underneath and in my current video:
First I designed a lens board for my 8×10 camera with Tinkercad. Really easy to do and a quick and dirty solution (I thought).
Because that lens is made for microscopes, I couldn’t focus with this big camera. I just couldn’t get my plate close enough to the lens to create a sharp picture.
I thought I am smart an create another lens board, this time for my Frankenstein camera
Third time’s the charm. So I went back to the drawing board and designed a lens board with two pieces that has a focus option.