Update, scroll down to the bottom for an interesting surprise.
After my last video about developing a very old film with the cold developing technique, I got lots of comments and feedback. And recently I also got a package with a very similar toll of film in it.
This time it was a Agfa Isopan Super Special 127 film (ASA 100). This an orthochromatic (Only sensible to the blue light spectrum) iso 100 Film that was produced 90 years ago.

I chose this time to use the stand development method. It’s a method where you use only a small amount of developer and dissolve it in a relatively large amount of water.

After scanning and a lot of post processing, I eventually could reveal some photographs from nearly a century ago. The nice thing on that story is, that the photographs are going to the lady who owns the camera. I hope that this a pleasant surprise for her before Christmas.
After my Article and Video was published, I got an e-Mail from Jake Greenwood of https://greenwoodland.photos who send me photo of a similar film he developed. The crazy thing is, that it looks like on his is also the same person present. He found the film in an ornament brownie camera that his mother had on her shelf. The photo must be certainly from England.
This is really crazy. Have a look:

I have some rolls of film from the late 80s to early 90s. Would you be willing to try and slavage them for me? They are mostly from years traveling in the far East.
Hey, please contact me here https://www.markus-hofstaetter.at/pages/kontakt/ and maybe we can figure something out.
thanks, Markus