People are undoubtedly my main subject.
I love capturing the beauty of all humans through my portraits.
Photographer and artist from Austria. His work is primarily focused on portraits and collodion wet plates. Which he has also received several awards for. He loves taking time for his photography to create powerful and intense portraits. After years in sports, he specialised in portraiture. He was always amazed about the human variety and started a worldwide street portrait project where he used medium and large format cameras. His latest project is called “Inspired Series” .This deceleration lead him to the wet plate collodion process. Besides magazines and newspapers, you can find his pictures in two Books. He writes also articles for a professional photography magazine and gives workshops and talks about the wet plate collodion process . His wet plate collodion work was documented in several TV documentaries, from youtubers and other media.
Exhibitions and awards
Photography has always been fascinating for me however, it took a long time before I made my dream of being a photographer come true. In 2009 I began to shoot pool tournaments with a creative interest in the people and cities involved with these events. I always have new compositions in mind when I leave the house and ever since I have been travelling the world to obtain new impressions. Visiting new places also means meeting new people and after several years travelling I’ve made a lot of friends around the world. This addicting combination provides me with a lot of motivation for new projects in and outside my studio.