I talked with Daria now for some time to create something together. Finally everything matched up and we met for a portrait at my studio. At a portrait session, you never know how it turns out. It’s a lot about chemistry and with that I don’t mean only the wet collodion chemistry.
You need to connect with your model to create something special. And this time we created a beautiful portrait of Daria. Daria is an artist as well, so check out her instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivlevartist/ and when you already there, follow also mine: https://www.instagram.com/mhaustria/
There are English subtitles available to understand what we say.
Shooting a portrait like this is such a different experience for my sitter and also for me.
From the beginning we work together to capture this “one” portrait. As you saw in the video, there’s a lot of tweaking and posing magic happening behind the scenes! On my Patreon you can see a longer bhts version. I am always very particular about the catch lights, this was quite a long process to get them the way I wanted.
For many people it will be hard to understand why I chose to work with that process. A digital camera is so much easier to use for sure, but it’s not the same thing for me. For me it’s so much more satisfying to create everything by myself and to be independent. A handmade portrait makes a huge difference for me and also for my sitters.